Thursday 30 June 2011

"HP Days"

Here is the latest painting Titled "HP Days" this is a piece following on with the theme of branded everyday items.
"HP Days"
40" x 20"
Oil on wooden panel

I enjoyed painting this piece and found it once again challenging to paint the label as I did with the painting of the marmite jar,especially with the houses of parliment being such an important part, but I was really pleased with how it came out. I've been taking reference photos for the next few branded paintings and I'm really excited about getting started.

This piece can be seen in the Summer Selection at Warwick Studios
contact the gallery on :-
01926 423529

Here is a video of my process of my painting from start to finish.
I hope you enjoy!!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Delivery of "Sunny Side Up"

Today I drove down to Warwick studios to deliver the painting "Sunny Side Up" this time my Wife Kerry and Son Lewis came with me to see the gallery space for themselves and meet the gallery team.

Some pictures of the gallery.

It was a miserable day driving down there but once we arrived in Leamington Spa it had changed to glorious sunshine, we made the small walk to the gallery armed with the piece and once we arrived it was a whirl wind of customers and press and so it was a while before we could speak with David the director.

Once he had five minutes we had a chat about the work and the direction we were both wanting it to go, when this lovely family walked in looking to purchase some work, David went off to deal with the client and as he did the young familys daughter went running at my new painting with such happiness and delight, the parents quickly took the young girl away from the piece in fear she may knock it over, but it was so nice to see that this young girl loving my painting.

When we arrived home an email was waiting,  informing me that "Sunny Side Up" had now sold, and again after only a few hours in the gallery and without even being framed! It was such a nice surprise that another had sold so quickly, and more importantly it was the lovely family who had left the gallery then came back to purchase my piece, It makes it even more special knowing that  that little girl will have pleasure of my painting  for many years to come.

For more information on my works and other great artists please contact them on
01926 423529

Thursday 23 June 2011

Art Promotional video.

Thought I would just quickly share this short video created today.
Hope to have more to follow.

Monday 20 June 2011

Nikita's Art Presentation

A few weeks ago I was asked by college student Nikita Fearn's after seeing my work and being inspired by it, If she could use my images and information to compile a presentation for her Btec 1st diploma of art and design. I was honoured and of course gave her permission to use any information and imagery.

Here is Nikita talking about my latest painting "Sunny Side Up"  in front of her teachers and classmates.

She also asked if I would mind providing her with an original painting or drawing to present to her class.
As all the paintings are exclusively for Warwick Studios, I provided her with a small original drawing I did a couple of years ago of my wife titled "The Art of Seduction"

Nikita With "The Art of Seduction"

New work at Warwick Studios ART LOUNGE

I have had confirmation that the piece "Sunny Side up" will be going to Warwick Art studios, this original painting will be delivered to the gallery this coming Saturday for framing then hanging.

For More information on these pieces
 please contact the Gallery on :-  01926 423529

Also there is new original works in the gallery by fellow artist Rob Ford who paints seductive the new gallery poster for original  works by myself and Rob is perfectly titled.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Sunny Side Up

"Sunny Side Up"
30" x 30"
Oil on wooden panel.

Here is the latest painting titled "sunny side up" I really wanted to do this piece and thought it would look great with the fried egg jelly sweets but felt the colour would seem boring,  so splashed in a bit of colour by adding, jelly cherries, a bright blue gobstoppers and some jelly beans and smarties as well as some others.

I'm pleased with how this turned out and really enjoyed the nostalgic feelings that came flooding back as i was painting, i was transported back to when i was a child and we were treated to a 10p mix after school and the choice would be entirely up to me, I hope it does the same for others :-)

Friday 17 June 2011

Sweets Glorious Sweets

As many of you know the subject matter for the last few paintings has been sweets and everyday branded items blown up to huge proportions, making them incredibly striking.

The one thing with the sweets subject is that the kids LOVE to eat the compositions once I'm done taking my reference pictures, and with my newest painting titled "Sunnyside Up" I've had a bag of retro penny sweets sat in the studio for the last 2 weeks and the kids have been incredibly patient.... But once they have the go ahead to eat them......they don't hold back!!!!!

Little Spencer enjoying the subject set up of "Sunny Side Up"

Thursday 16 June 2011

Framing of the Gobstoppers

Today I received an email from David the gallery director and attached was a picture of my painting "Gobstoppers" all framed up in a beautiful white frame and ready for public viewing.

For more information on these pieces
 Please contact Warwick Studios on 01926 423529

And as "you'll either love it or hate it" has yet to be delivered to the client, it joined the piece in a wonderful window display at Warick Studios.

Just before the piece was framed this little boy  got a little over excited at the prospect of sweets actually being this size.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Just had this really cool promo video forwarded by David the Galleries Director. please click the link below and Enjoy, and If your on Facebook please "like" there Page.!/pages/Warwick-Studios-A-R-T-L-O-U-N-G-E/108663935818135

Saturday 11 June 2011

Warwick Studios Promotion

I know I have only posted today but Warwick Studios emailed some promo flyer's that they had created and so I thought I would share with you all

The Biography created by Warwick Studios

As explained in my previous post, today I visited the gallery that have agreed to represent me for the first time armed with two of my paintings. A little nervous how they would do, I left the gallery happy that David liked my work and I just hoped for the best. I was shocked when I got home that The gallery had already framed one of the pieces "you'll either Love it or Hate it"

Whats more within 3 hours of the piece being hung in the gallery this piece had sold!!!! I am so pleased with this fantastic start with the gallery and hope for more success with them in the future.

Special Delivery.

Today I journeyed down to Leamington Spa to deliver the pieces "Gobstoppers" and "You'll either LOVE it or Hate it" and thankfully they loved them at the Gallery, Chris the Manager and David the director will be working hard to get some promo stuff done in the coming weeks and months and as they do ill keep posting stuff on my Blog for all to see.

"Gobstoppers"                                                        "you'll Either LOVE it or HATE it"
40" x 40"                                                                   30" x 30"

Both of these pieces will be involved in the current summer show for original works at the Gallery. If your in the area please have a look in and enjoy all the different types of art the gallery has to offer.

for more information please contact the gallery on 01926 423529
or visit their website at

Saturday 4 June 2011

"you'll either LOVE it or HATE it"

The new painting has been completed, It is a simple still life of a Marmite jar and although its a simple composition Its what I wanted to make the piece striking.

"you'll either LOVE it or HATE it"
30" x 30"
Oil on Wooden Panel

I was a little worried at first about making the very dark jar have a black background but I actually found it worked really well and that the reflections of the jar hinted at the shape of the jar beautifully, the main reason for the dark background was so that the colourful label and lid would "pop" from the piece, which I feel It does. I also had some real difficulty panting the lettering, this is the first piece that has involved writing and it was VERY hard to get right but I'm pretty happy with the results.

Subject and painting.