Friday 18 May 2012


I have to admit posting the latest painting i had flutters of nerves as i knew this was something different to what i had painted before and i was anxious to find out what people thought, but thankfully i had a very good reaction to this piece.

To explain a little about it, these bottles are my wifes they sit in the window of the top room in our house and look down on the street below, I often look at these bottles and have always loved the way the light shines through them creating flicks of colour and shapes almost being abstract in some areas, but what was more interesting is that the two stopper lids flipped the street below upside down, i often thought about painting these but put it off for some more of the work im known for but i decided i needed to do it and so i started on the journey and nearly 3 weeks later it was finished!

24" x 24"
Oil on wooden panel

I decided that i would title this piece reflections for two reasons the first and most obvious one was because of the rfections in the lids of the glass bottles but the second was the way i feel about them as often i sit looking at the bottles reflecting on things happening in my life.

Available at Warwick Studios
call - 01926 423529

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