Wednesday 6 June 2012

Commission, Warwick Studios, and the Future

OK so I have not posted anything for a little while and for good reason, its been a little bit emotional the last few weeks.

Firstly I was commissioned by The Five time British and Commonwealth professional boxing champion Chris Edwards.

He wanted me to paint him during the fight he won his title,and  I was given an Internet image that if I'm honest was poor in quality, but i accepted and tried my best to capture as much detail as i possibly could, and I have to say I was pleased with the result and thankfully so was he.

Chris Edwards with his British title belt.

"Chris Edwards - Commission"
18" x 18"
Oil on wooden panel


Then on a very sad note, on Friday 25th May the Gallery Warwick Studios that show the majority of my work Unfortunately  suffered a terrible tragedy and an electrical fault caused a major fire and as a result the gallery was destroyed along side 9 of my originals, 6 of which had been sold and awaiting collection.Thankfully no one was hurt and my thoughts go out to David and his family and hope he can pick himself up and move forward, and im sure we will see the gallery up and running again soon.

Now obviously I was totally gutted to have lost so much work in this manner but thankfully i have an amazing family that support me so much and within days I was thinking about the future and not allowing this stumble in my artistic journey to slow me down and i picked my brushed up to produce my latest two originals and my first diptych

"The Four Evens"
12" x 18" (each paintings)
Oil on Wooden panel

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