Saturday 24 September 2011

"Rock 'N' Roll Cola"

The Latest painting has finally been finished!! I have to admit this painting has really pushed me in terms of difficulty and time.

The Idea to do the coke painting came a few months ago but I really didn't want to do the modern plastic coke bottle and when I came upon some old style glass Coke bottles I was thrilled and thought the painting could be started, but after taking some reference photos with my typical dark background It soon became apparent that the reference lacked the vibrant colour I like to get to contrast the black background, After talking to the gallery a few ideas were thrown around and the suggestion of  adding bright straws was made, I tried it but it still didn't look right, then the suggestion of a Jukebox and I loved the idea.

I searched far and wide for an old style jukebox with no luck and was about to give up when my Uncle mentioned that the place he works had them, I asked permission from the company to take pictures and thankfully they agreed and I got some great colourful references.

I started the painting full of excitement but admit at week two I was loosing my patience as the background had only just been started, A huge push and three weekend painting sessions I did it in just over three weeks, and I am pleased with the results. But Its has been a hard painting to do and pushed me in many ways which Is always a good thing.

"Rock 'N' Roll Cola"
30" x 30"
Oil on wooden panel

Works Available at Warwick Studios
Call -  01926 423529

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