Saturday 24 December 2011

"Busy few Months"

I know I haven't posted on here for a while, But I promise I have been busy painting away, I completed the first of the 6 commissions that I received after the exhibition at Warwick Studios, the first being a huge 5ft x 2ft painting. And for the first time I had to put a "NO ENTRY" sign on the studio door, now normally I like It If the kids pop In to say hello, But with the piece being so big I just couldn't take any chances as It would have been so easily knocked over!!

I was then busy taking studio reference photographs for the client to select for the further five commissions which I have now sent over to them and awaiting there reply, And whilst I wait for the clients response I thought It would be good to get another piece completed ready for next year.

I decided I wanted to paint another tomato ketchup bottle from a reference photograph I had taken In the summer, I loved the lighting on this one as the bright sunlight shone through the bottle It created lovely pattens within the bottle almost fire like and as a fellow artist friend of mine said Its "Beauty In the Mundane" and this Is exactly what I hope to achieve In every piece.

"Tommy K"
18" x 30"
Oil On Wooden Panel

I also had a trip down to the gallery to personalise the sold exhibition pieces, It was alot of fun and great to add that little message to all the lovely people who purchased my works I still find It a lovely compliment that people love what I do and I hope I continue to do so for many years to come.


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