Saturday 22 October 2011

"Hot Shots"

Usually In order to get my reference for a painting I set up my still life item and photograph them at home. But this one was different. I had taken my younger brother Dominic out to play pool and as I had my camera with me I  thought why not take some pictures.

  I asked permission at the reception desk and then started snapping away for about 15 minutes or so until my brother reminded me we only had an hour to play so I put the camera down and we played pool and unfortunately I lost 3-1 which I was hard to swallow but thankfully looking through the pictures I had taken when I got home there were a few I was happy with and this one stood out to me and I knew I had to paint It. I decided to title this piece after the pool hall we played at hot shots.

18" x 18"
Oil on wooden panel
Available through Warwick Studios

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