Saturday 4 February 2012

Commission Number One

I have been painting away the last couple of weeks on the first of the five commissions confirmed at the beginning of the year, I decided the first painting I wanted to do was the Guinness piece as It had been a few months since I had painted  the last.

Guinness and Smoky (Commission)
30" x 30"
Oil on wooden panel

It started well with the Guinness being painted in ever so carefully making sure I captured every reflection I could see, I then moved onto the crisp packet, now I remember from my last Guinness piece "Cold and Crisp" that I found the crisp packet a little challenging mixing the correct blue but for this one It just seemed to flow but as I have posted before I really like painting with all different tones of red.

 I was then filling in the lettering of the Walkers when DISASTER struck as the metal  end of my brush came off the wooden handle falling down my work leaving a trail of white splodges, I could have almost cried when this happened but I remained calm and focused and went about using my experience and knowledge to fix the problem and thankfully all was good again.

I have also been to Warwick studios today to deliver the commission and the latest original "Playing for Keeps" the gallery were happy with the painting and had It framed and up on the wall within a few hours.

Playing for Keeps - Framed at Warwick Studios
For more info please call  - 0 192 642 3529

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