Thursday 23 February 2012

Cola Can commission.

Here is the latest commission piece titled "Cola - Cans" this piece certainly tested me at certain times, Ive always thought the hardest part of art is getting past the mental barriers stopping you from working happily and this happened to me on this piece I started the red cola tin to find i felt it looked flat and unlike my reference photograph, i even got to a point were i was sat in my studio head in my hands contemplating throwing it out and starting again, but i am very lucky to have a wife who supports me and my work 100% and she made me realise how silly i was being and that i needed to get a grip. and thank god she did as i finished it feeling pleased with the end result.

"Cola Cans"
30" x 30"
Oil on wooden panel

I'll soon be onto the next commission, but i have had to spend this week priming boards, sketching, taking references and creating a excel spreadsheet for all my accounts to make it easier to keep on top of it. but painting should resume VERY soon.

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